Doris Hancock Contact Form
We don't want to leave you in the dark. We believe it is extremely important that we address your concerns by answering any questions that we can. Please do not ask any questions that we cannot answer, like FERPA or HIPPA related responses.

With that being said, we do not have the answers to all of the questions and would direct you to or for most questions about the school closure, and the COVID-19 virus.

Use the form below to ask our school admin team or teachers a question. All fields below are required to help us properly address the question and your affiliation with our school. Thank you for your time.
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First, we need some information about you
Please answer all of the questions below. Please note that we will only be addressing the questions of the parents/guardians of Doris Hancock Elementary School students.
Last Name *
First Name *
Title *
Phone Number *
What is your student's name? *
What is your relationship to the student? *
Who do you want to send an email to? *
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