“Yes, Victoria, I’m ready to Discover My Future, Reverse
My Past and Create My Present.”
Path Coaching is a unique blend
of telepathic communication, spiritual psychology, trauma processing, and
strategic planning.
a Trauma Reversal Specialist and Future Path Coach, I use my superpowers to
help you create the life you were born to live. I have a gift for reading,
remedying your past, and seeing your future path. By telepathically
communicating with your higher self, future self, and the higher selves of
others and using spiritual psychology, I assist you as you become who you were
always meant to be.
to expect?
It might feel scary if you’ve
never done anything like this. I assure you, there is nothing to fear and
everything to gain. I create a safe, loving environment for us to work with.
client and every session is unique, depending on your questions and the
guidance I telepathically receive as I “tune in” for the answers. Your focus
may be on remedying your past or present situations, on what I see for your
future, or on a combination of all three. Most importantly, there is nothing to
fear. All guidance and answers come through me with infinite love.