Dog/Puppy Adoption Application
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Name (First and Last) *
Street Address *
City, State, Zip Code *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Will any children live with this animal and what are their ages?   *
Which animal are you interested in adopting?   *
Will this animal be a gift for someone else? *
Do you rent or own your home? *
If renting, do you have permission to have this pet?   *
If renting, do you give us permission to contact your landlord?   *
Describe your fence *
Please tell us about the pets you currently have in your home and whether they are spayed/neutered and any vaccinations they have had.   *
If you currently have dogs are they on heart worm preventative and if so, what are they on?   *
Please tell us about the pets you do not currently have but have had in the last five years.  Why do you no longer have them?   *
Do you work outside the home? *
How many hours per day are you and other family members away from home?   *
Where will this animal spend the majority of the time during the day? *
Where will this animal spend the night? *
Please tell us how your current pets respond to new pets in the home? *
What will you do if your current pets and this animal do not get along? *
Name, address and phone number for your current veterinarian *
Do you agree to allow CAPA to contact your veterinarian?   *
Do you agree to allow CAPA to do a home visit prior to adoption? *
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