The Human Body: An Orientation
Critical Thinking and Analysis Questions
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Answer the following multiple choice and matching questions without looking at your notes, book, or other class materials. This will help prepare you for the APHY 101 exams.
A scientist conducts research within the field of histology. Which level of structural organization in the human body is this?
1 point
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A 13-year-old boy enters the ER with an antebrachial fracture. What part of the body was injured?
1 point
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Select the answer that has all the Survival Needs.
1 point
The part of the membrane lining the cavity walls is called the visceral serosa.
1 point
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Match a,b and c with the correct plane.
3 points
Captionless Image
Frontal Plane
Transverse Plane
Midsagittal Plane
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Match the organ system with its primary function(s).
4 points
Protects internal structures by forming an outer covering.
Allows for movement, postural control, and heat production.
Provides protection and structural support. Attachment site for muscles to create movement.
The control system of the body, which activates muscles and glands in response to stimuli.
Integumentary system
Skeletal system
Muscular system
Nervous system
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_______ is an example of a positive feedback mechanism, while _______  is an example of a negative feedback mechanism.
1 point
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