The presale for the game is on Wednesday, April 17th at 10AM. We'll need everyone to fill this out by END OF DAY on MONDAY, APRIL 15TH to give us enough time to coordinate payment, etc. for the sale on Wednesday morning.
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Name *
Email *
Phone Number
How many tickets do you want for the game? *
Which ticket price tiers are you willing to pay? (This will depend on availability, obviously, so pick your absolute minimum and absolute maximum and everything between. Note these prices are pre-fees! For more information you can go here: If you don't care, feel free to leave this blank!
Would you be available on Wednesday, April 17th at 10AM (I believe Central Time because I got this info from the Stars) to try for tickets on Ticketmaster? *
Would you be willing to upfront fund the tickets? *
Are you interested in travel accommodations (hotel, transportation, etc.) with the larger group? *
What dates are you thinking of being in Dallas? (The game is early in the day on January, 1st.) *
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