Lent Course 2024 Sign Up - St John's Church, Woking
Please use this form to indicate which Lent courses you would like to attend. Once you have signed up the church office will be able to send you the details needed.
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Email address (or phone number if no email address) *
1. Putting Parenting to bed (Weeks 1-3)
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1. Putting Parenting to bed - Repeat (Weeks 4-6)
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2. One (Weeks 1-3 - daytime)
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2. One (Weeks 4-6)
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3. Being Good Stewards (Weeks 4-6 only)
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4. The Languages of the Bible (Weeks 4-6 only)
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5. Hope Explored (Weeks 4-6 only)
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6. The Secular Creed (Weeks 1-3 only)
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7. Weave the seasons (Weeks 1-3 only)
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8. The Apostles' Creed (Weeks 1-3 only)
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9. Side by Side (Weeks 4-6 daytime)
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