Join Our Model List
At EIE Training Centre, our students train to become estheticians and clinical estheticians by practicing on live models with their instructors guiding them. Models are a critical part of a student's success in their training. By signing up as a model, you're helping students achieve their career goals.

Models are required for 1-4 hours at various times throughout the week, including weekends. Student trainees will contact models with the date and time required for the service. Models at EIE Training Centre receive a discounted rate for the services they receive. Individual model rates are disclosed by the student providing your service. Model fees are payable to EIE Training Centre after the service has been completed. ​

By filling out the form below, you authorize the European Institute of Esthetics, Esthetic and Laser Training Centre staff and students to contact you at any time regarding being a model for a student.
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