Questionnaire for "Assessing the economic value of manta ray tourism in Raja Ampat using the Travel Cost Method (TCM)"

The purpose of this questionnaire is to estimate the economic value of manta ray tourism in Raja Ampat, Indonesia. Renowned for its unparalleled biodiversity, this pristine marine region attracts visitors from around the globe seeking to explore its vibrant underwater ecosystems.

This survey aims to collect information about travel expenses, preferences, and experiences of visitors who have engaged in marine tourism activities in Raja Ampat, particularly manta ray watching.

Your responses will remain strictly confidential and will be used exclusively for research purposes. The findings will help researchers and local authorities understand the significance of manta ray tourism and develop sustainable management strategies that support both environmental conservation and local economic growth.

Thank you for contributing to this important study. Your input is invaluable in preserving Raja Ampat’s natural treasures and improving its tourism offerings, 

Best regards,

Raja Ampat Manta Team
Raja Ampat MPA management authority (BLUD UPTD Pengelolaan Kawasan Konservasi Perairan di Kepulauan Raja Ampat)
Konservasi Indonesia
Blue Economy Research Group - Research Center for Behavioral and Circular Economics - BRIN
Elasmobranch Institute Indonesia
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Section A. Respondent profile
This section collects demographic information about visitors to Raja Ampat. Understanding visitor profiles helps us analyze tourism trends and preferences, informing conservation and management strategies. 
A1. Full name:
(you may use a nickname or a unique code if you would rather not share your name)
A2. Country of origin *
A3. City of origin
A4. Gender *
A5. Age *
A6. Education level *
A7. Occupation *
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