We are organizing short virtual meetings for junior and early career
researchers of SIG8 to provide an opportunity for staying in touch with
other EARLI SIG08 members in between the yearly conferences and for discussing a
variety of topics such as presentation at the conferences, publishing
papers, networking. Please note that the virtual meetings are geared
towards the needs of our junior and early career members. We collect
email addresses to provide further information to those who sign up. To
ensure an interactive experience, we would like to stress the importance
of your participation. So we warmly encourage you to sign up!
Event Timing: online (lunch) meetings 11:45-12:15 CET
Next online meeting: June 3rd, 2024
Topic: How to... present at conferences?
Get the link by filling out this form!
Any questions? Please contact (one of) our SIG8 JURE coördinator(s).
Juliane Schlesier (juliane.schlesier1@uni-oldenburg.de)
Jonne Bloem (j.bloem@uu.nl)
We are looking forward to seeing you there!