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Dunbar High School Counseling Meeting Request Form
Use this form to request a meeting with your school counselor.
Schedule change requests are no longer being accepted. The deadline for schedule changes was Tuesday, August 13th.
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* Indicates required question
First Name
Your answer
Last Name
Your answer
9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade
ID Number
Your answer
Re-enter ID Number
Your answer
Student E-mail Address
Your answer
Student Cell Phone Number
Your answer
My School Counselor is...
Mrs. Lugo (Last Names B, E-K)
Mrs. Davis (Last Names D, L-Q)
Ms. Cubilette (Last Names C, R-V)
Mrs. Rosa (Last Names A, W-Z, Pre-IB & IB)
I would like to speak to my school counselor about...
Academic Standing or Classroom Concern
Bright Futures Questions
College Application Help
Community Service
Dual Enrollment
One-on-one Check-In
Registration Question
SAT/ACT Sign-up Assistance
SAT/ACT Waiver
Schedule Change Request (NO LONGER BEING ACCEPTED!)
Scholarships & Financial Aid
Senior Exemption
Please give a brief description of the reason you would like to see your counselor.
Your answer
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