APPLICATION: Monthly Telegram Support
Thank you for your interest in my Monthly Telegram Support!
Here is a review of the details:
     - 30 total days of support
     - I’ll check in every Monday, and also provide a card pull on Mondays if you desire.
     - Besides the Monday check-ins, the responsibility is on you to reach out with anything you need.
     - You can reach out anytime* with questions, comments, etc.
     *I won’t be answering anything past 7:30pm PDT, and expect weekend communication to likely be delayed by a few hours or even until the following day.

     - Must have a smart phone to be able to download and use the app "Telegram"
     - Must have worked with me in some previous capacity (this can not be our very first experience together.)

Investment: $150 in total for 30 day commitment

After completing and submitting this short application, I’ll be in touch via email to schedule a connection call as an opportunity to clarify any questions (on both our parts), review the details of the offering, and finalize any goals you have for working together. If we both decide it’s a good fit, I’ll send an invoice and some welcome materials, and our 30 days together will begin!

Looking forward to connecting further!

- Aly  
Consciously Connected Health LLC

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First and last name *
Email *
What are you struggling with in terms of your health? (physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually…). Please be detailed - the more info you can provide, the better insight it will give me to what you’re really going through and if this offering will be of true benefit to you or not. *
Give it to me straight (and to yourself) - WHY do you want to sign up for a month of Telegram support with me? What are you hoping and expecting to get out of this experience? *
Is there anything you’re currently working on improving? (or wanting to, but having a hard time taking action?) *
Have you worked with me before in any capacity? Tell me about it! *
Are you prepared to start within the next 1-2 weeks (for a total of 30 days)? *
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