Dress & Dwell Online Secret Shopper
Thank you for participating in our online secret shopper program. Please fill out the information below based on your experience.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Who packed up your order? *
Secret Shopper Email Address: *
Did you have your items shipped or was it an in-store pickup? *
Did your package arrive/ Was your order ready for pickup in a timely manner? *
Did you receive your items neatly packaged? *
Did it include a return instruction sheet? *
How did you feel about your online shopping experience? Was it easy to find the items you were shopping for? *
If you chose in store pick-up, did you receive a text notifying you that your order was ready? *
Did you receive a thank you card in your package? *
Do you have any additional comments or suggestions about your online shopping experience? *
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