STEAM Tech Camp Registration Form
Hands-On STEAM Training + Building Projects + Coding + Video Game Creation + Digital Literacy

STEAM Tech Camp is a Summer Day Camp preparing Compton students, grades 6-9, for STEAM careers in digital media, coding, robotics, sound & music production, 3D printing, and hands-on experiences through creative engineering (makerspaces). 

3 WEEK DAY CAMP | {JULY 10-14, 17-21, 24-28}
9am-2pm | Monday-Friday - Snack & Lunch included daily
Location: TBD in Compton
In partnership with District 2 Councilperson, Andre Spicer

A $25 refundable deposit will be collected from you after your registration is accepted.
This deposit will only be returned to you upon your student's completion of the STEAM Tech Camp or you may choose to use the deposit as a donation to Unearth & Empower Communities.

Please fill out this form completely to register your 6th-9th grader for UEC's STEAM Tech Camp!
**We are only accepting 15 students for this summer 2023**

Email with any questions.


¿TE ENCANTA EL VAPOR? {CIENCIA + TECNOLOGÍA + INGENIERÍA + ARTE + MATEMÁTICAS} ÚNASE A NUESTRO PROGRAMA DE VERANO GRATIS PARA JÓVENES DE COMPTON DE 6° A 9° GRADO Capacitación práctica en STEAM + Proyectos de construcción + Codificación + Creación de videojuegos + Alfabetización digital STEAM Tech Camp es un campamento de verano diurno que prepara a los estudiantes de Compton, grados 6-9, para carreras STEAM en medios digitales, codificación, robótica, producción de sonido y música, impresión 3D y experiencias prácticas a través de la ingeniería creativa (espacios de creación). CAMPAMENTO DE DÍA DE 3 SEMANAS | {JULIO 10-14, 17-21, 24-28} 9am-2pm | Lunes a Viernes - Merienda y almuerzo incluidos todos los días Ubicación: TBD en Compton En asociación con el Concejal del Distrito 2, Andre Spicer Se le cobrará un depósito reembolsable de $ 25 después de que se acepte su registro. Este depósito solo se le devolverá una vez que su estudiante complete el STEAM Tech Camp o puede optar por utilizar el depósito como una donación a Unearth & Empower Communities. ¡Complete este formulario por completo para registrar a su estudiante de 6º a 9º grado en el campamento tecnológico STEAM de UEC! **Solo aceptamos 15 estudiantes para este verano de 2023** Envíe un correo electrónico a si tiene alguna pregunta.

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Email *
Student's First Name *
Student's Last Name *
Parent/Guardian First & Last Name *
Parent/Guardian Phone *
What's the best way to contact you? *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Emergency Contact's Name (First & Last) *
Emergency Contact's relationship to student *
Emergency Contact's phone number *
Does the person listed as the emergency contact have authority to pick up your child? *
What school does your student attend? *
Grade Level in Fall 2023 (Grade they are going in to) *
Student T-shirt Size *
How did you hear about UEC's STEAM Tech Camp? *
Why does your student want to participate in the STEAM Tech Camp? *
What experience does your student have with STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math)? *
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