Nagarathna Memorial Grant – 2025  - Application
Nagarathna Memorial Grant is a no strings attached grant of one lakh rupees (~$1400). It's a micro-grant targeted at everyone. The reason for grant could be anything as long it's meaningful to you and the people around you. Though I prefer free and open source or creative commons projects. It's not a must.  

More information is at

There is a moderated discussion email list if you like to participate -

Open till March 15th, 2025.  ACCEPTING NOW
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Name *
Project or Idea description
Add as much detail as required. You can include links and other details too.
Project/Idea description *
Would you like your project to be included in a public display page for community browsing and potential collaborations, even if the grant is not awarded? If yes, we will share project details and your email in that public display.  See the discussion for more details.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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