Headstart Mentor - Registration Form
Headstart Mentor is a hands off mentoring session for entrepreneurs, facilitated by Headstart. Our intention is to get qualifying startups coached by the industry’s best and to build a pay-it-forward culture in the startup circuit.

It is an invite-only meetup which aims to provide a structure to 5 qualifying startups to find solutions to their problems by interacting with brilliant peers and experts in their industry. A Mentor session lasts for 3 hours and is organised on specific domains (like Healthcare, EdTech etc.) or horizontals (like sales, fund raising etc.).

There is nothing you have to pay to get mentored, but you have to make a promise - to pay it forward by mentoring younger startups when you are ready and have an opportunity.

Application shortlisting is COMPLETELY AT HEADSTART'S DISCRETION and on a best effort basis. We will get back to you if you are selected.

If you have any questions, please reach us at chandra.kumar@headstart.in
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Startup Name *
There's a lot in a name.
What does your startup do? *
Details on what problem you are trying to solve, for whom, your product, your vision and team.
What is your vision? *
Where do you want to take your startup in the next 5-7 years?
How old is your startup? *
When was your company founded.
Stage of your Startup? *
How much revenue has your startup generated in the last 12 months? Extrapolate linearly if you are less than 1 year old. *
This is the single biggest qualifier we use. Typically your annual revenue should be 1/10th to 1/20th of the annual revenue of the company your mentor has built. Please don't lie here. Trust us, we'll find you a great mentor when you are ready for it . And if we can accommodate you, we absolutely would.
Website *
Your website URL
Name of one founder who will be the main point of contact (POC) *
Only one co-founder is permitted to participate in HS Mentor
Contact Number *
Contact of one founding member who will be the POC. Mentor allows only one startup co-founder per mentor session.
Email Id *
Email id of the founding team who will be the POC
LinkedIn Profile *
LinkedIn profile of founding team who will be the POC
What topics do you need mentoring on? *
Date for Mentor Session? *
Number of full-time Employees *
The size of your company
I'm willing to pay it forward by mentoring younger startup founders when I am ready and have the opportunity! *
Every Headstarter you interact with, is a volunteer who is paying it forward too. Let's do this together!
How did you hear about Mentor? *
Every Headstarter you interact with, is a volunteer who is paying it forward too. Let's do this together!
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