Child Nutrition Services Survey
Email *
What grade level is your child? *
How often does your child eat lunch in the cafeteria? *
What is their favorite menu item? *
On a scale from 1-5 how healthy do you feel school lunch is? *
Not Healthy
Very Healthy
How often does your child eat breakfast in the cafeteria? *
What prevents your child from eating breakfast in the cafeteria more often?
On a scale from 1-5 how healthy do you feel school breakfast is? *
Not Healthy
Very Healthy
What changes could we make to improve your rating on the health of our meals?
Do you eat in the cafeteria with your child? *
What menu items would you like to see served more often?
What menu items would you like to see served less often?
What recipe would you like to see developed?
Does your child feel like the service line moves too slow? *
Does the speed of service affect their choice to eat at school? *
Would you be interested in being part of a menu advisory committee? *
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