Most Challenging Questions  2019
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Which assumption is not made in the Keynesian model of national income and employment determination? *
1 point
In a 4-sector economy, consisting of households, firms, government and foreign trade, the level of national income is in equilibrium where C + I + G + (X – M) = Y. What must Y include for an equilibrium to exist? *
1 point
 In the long run, what is a feature of monopolistic competition, but not of perfect competition? *
1 point
The diagram represents the demand and supply of labour in a competitive industry. What is true about unit of labour L when they are paid wage W? *
1 point
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In which exchange rate regime would the central bank of a country be best able to pursue an independent monetary policy to control the rate of inflation? *
1 point
The graph shows the total utility (TU) obtained by a consumer from eating biscuits over a period of one hour. After eating how many biscuits does the consumer’s marginal utility begin to diminish? *
1 point
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What will be the most likely consequence of an increase in the dependency ratio? *
1 point
The table shows the values of selected macroeconomic variables over a period.  What is the value of the multiplier? *
1 point
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Which statement about the ‘kinked demand curve’ model of oligopoly is incorrect? *
1 point
Under which conditions will a Keynesian expansionary fiscal policy be most likely to take an economy out of a recession without too much inflation? *
1 point
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It has been estimated by the United Nations that the total external debt of developing countries has been increasing by about $425 billion each year. What is least likely to have contributed to this? *
1 point
The table gives some economic indicators for four countries. Which country is closest to achieving the principal aims of government economic policy? *
1 point
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The diagram shows a consumer’s indifference curves (IC) for goods F and G together with the consumer’s budget lines. What could explain the movement from X to Z on the diagram? *
1 point
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A government finances its public sector borrowing by selling securities to the non-bank private sector. What will follow? *
1 point
The production of a good creates a constant marginal external cost at all levels of output. What value of price elasticity of demand for the good will cause the greatest deadweight welfare loss from the externality? *
1 point
A consumer demands two goods, X and Y. The indifference curve diagram shows the effect of a change in the price of one of these goods on the consumer’s equilibrium. *
1 point
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The table shows the substitution effect and income effect for a Giffen good and an inferior good as the price of the good changes. Which combination is correct? *
1 point
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The diagram shows a production possibility curve PPC1. The economy is initially at point X. If the economy achieves actual economic growth but not potential growth, what would the final position be? *
1 point
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When would a central bank be able to exert the closest control over the money supply of the country? *
1 point
 The graph shows a shift in the liquidity preference curves for an economy from LP1 to LP *
1 point
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What may lead to a reduction in bank lending in a country? *
1 point
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