Holiday Crafter Bartering List
Hi! It's Jess from Works of Whimsy Studios. 

The holidays are hard for us tiny businesses.  But where we may not have the extra cash to support all our fellow artists and gather gifts for our loved ones, we do often have products or services to exchange.

What I am proposing is a list of like minded crafters and artists who would like to make trades for the holiday season.  

Trade dice for wall art, or trade character art for a dice tower, you get the idea!  If you would like to make a trade, you would simply reach out to the other creator!

By entering your information here, you agree:
  • Your information will be added to a Google sheet that will be shared with other small business owners who also submit their information.  Your information will not be shared or used in any other way.
  • Any trade agreements will be between the two involved parties and do not involve me or Works of Whimsy Studios in any way.
  • I do not guarantee that you will find anyone to trade with, nor will I determine the parameters of any trade.  People who submit their information to this form will not be vetted by me, so use your judgement!
  • I would recommend trading based on the retail price of your items or services. Always know your value!
  • You can decline a trade if it does not meet your needs, but please be nice to each other!
  • If you'd like to be removed from this list at any time, please email me at 
I will email everyone who submits their information a link to the list on November 1st.  This information is not be shared beyond the people on the list.

It's my hope that this will ease some stress for all of us, and maybe be a way for some of us to make new friends!
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I have read and agree to all of this information, and I'm here to spread some holiday happiness! *
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