NSF I-Corps: Mid-Atlantic Region Teammate Interest Form
This form is to indicate that you would like to join another I-Corps team. This would be because you are open to combining your innovation with another similar technology or you do not have a current innovation but think you could provide value to an existing I-Corps team

*Our I-Corps team cannot guarantee that we can match you with anyone. As we see more teams go through our programs, we will reach out to you if we find a relevant team/individual to connect you with.*
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Your First Name *
Your Last Name *
Email Address *
Please list Your LinkedIn Profile link here
Check the boxes below if you have significant experience in the following areas: (check all that apply) *
What are your primary skills (Choose Up to 3) *
Choose the primary industries you have experience in  (Please choose no more than your top 3) *
Do you have a business idea currently? *
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