Clojure Community Story
If you'd like to have a community story featured at, please complete this form. All questions are optional and there are a couple blanks for your own custom question/answers at the end.

Stories should be posted within a week, but feel free to ping if you have questions.
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Company name? *
URL to company logo (or send in email)
How long have you been working with Clojure or ClojureScript?
How big is the team you have using Clojure or ClojureScript?
What product or service are you building with Clojure or ClojureScript?
What Clojure or ClojureScript library have you enjoyed working with the most?
What about working with Clojure or ClojureScript gives you the most value?
What is your favorite feature of Clojure or ClojureScript?
What is your stack?
Why is using Clojure or ClojureScript valuable to your business?
Add your own question + answer
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