Sponsorship Form
Thank you for your interest in Velocity as a sponsor. We take great pride in providing the cycling community with top quality wheels and rims while offering the best customer service in the industry. The goal of our sponsorship program is to promote Velocity products, and spread our passion for cycling to all areas of the global cycling community.

With this in mind, we sponsor riders who actively promote the Velocity brand, share our standards of excellence and encourage a positive cycling lifestyle. We strive to be the best bicycle rim and wheel manufacturer in the world. We want our wheels under the riders who share the same passion for greatness. Truly making Velocity ‘the best name to ride with’!

In exchange for the sponsorship discount and/or product you will be agreeing to promote Velocity by providing logo placement in the following areas but not limited to: team jerseys or apparel, pictures, videos, websites and other promotional material. You will also be expected to provide product feedback and reviews. We ask that pictures, videos, write ups, and reviews be provided to us in a timely manner, all of which may be used at the discretion of Velocity USA. Most importantly we see our sponsored riders as business partners, because of this we want to hear of any race results and achievements that you’ve earned while riding on Velocity products.

The teams and riders that promote us the most are the ones that will get our continued and growing support. If you show us that you are proactively supporting Velocity as a brand, we will continue to support you by including your pics, links, and comments on our blog, website, and/or advertising material. Your benefits will get better as our partnership grows stronger.

*Please note, individual and team sponsorship requests are best submitted in November/December of each calendar year. Velocity's commitment to riders is on a per-year bias and renewal of sponsorship should not be assumed. Event sponsorship from Velocity USA is limited to the continental United States.
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