Application for Financial Assistance
Leftover Pets can provide assistance for people who need help paying for spay/neuter services. Please be assured that we will do whatever we can to assist you with spay/neuter of pet dogs and cats and feral/stray/community cats. Please complete this form and we will contact you within five business days.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
County of Residence *
Email Address *
Is this email checked at least weekly? *
Phone number *
Can you receive text messages at this number? *
What animals do you want to fix? *
Which pet or pets do you need help to have spay/neutered? Please include animal's name, dog or cat, male or female, age, and breed or mix for dogs. *
Are there any other dogs/cats/puppies/kittens living at your address that are not already spay/neutered? *
If yes, please list by name and say if they are dog/cat, male/female, age, and breed mix (dogs only).
Do you feed outdoor cats/kittens (friendly or feral)?
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If yes, are they ALL fixed?
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If funding is available, would you like to have all pets and/or outdoor cats/kittens fixed?
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If No/Maybe, which ones do you NOT want to fix and why?
How much can you afford to pay toward spay/neuter fees? *
Why are you unable to afford regular spay/neuter fees at this time? *
Does anyone at your address receive proof-of-income subsidy payments, such as food stamps, unemployment, SSI, Disability, Medicaid? Does anyone receive Social Security or have Medicare? *
Would you be willing/able to submit a photo of your pets and/or community cats that you want to have fixed?  Photos would be used on social media and/or in emails to solicit funds for spay/neuter. *
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