Volunteer with La Puente
Whether you're a community volunteer wanting to share some time, energy, and kindness in the community, or a mandated volunteer needing service hours, you can sign up using this form. For any questions, comments, or concerns you can reach out to David Schneider, director, at director.volcoor@lapuente.net or at 719-587-3499 ext 301. *if you're a mandated volunteer please email David your RMS form or stop by our office between 9am-5pm
Email *
Full name
Mailing Address *
Phone Number *
Mandated Volunteer (choose one) *
Are you with the Colorado Works? *
How did you hear about LaPuente volunteering?
Clear selection
Date of Birth *
If mandated: how many hours do you have and when are they due?
If community: n/a
What programs/opportunities are you interested in? (check all that apply) *
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