B.Healthy Breakthrough Application
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I’m so excited to help you lose weight, build healthy habits, and feel incredible in your clothes WITHOUT dieting. Complete this 10 min application so that I can get to know you a little better and see if we’re a good fit for coaching. This does not secure a spot for you inside the program, it's simply a way to let me know you're interested. At the bottom of the page, you will be directed to set up a free call with me. On that call, we will get to know each other, and you will get all of the program details ❤️
Name *
Email *
Instagram Handle 
Written as it is listed on Instagram (@username)
What are you currently struggling with? (Check all that apply) *
What are your main goals when it comes to your health? What would you like to accomplish?
What is important to you about reaching these goals? How would your life change? *
On a scale of 1-10, how committed are you to reaching these goals? *
What else should I know about your health journey? (include things like how long you've tried doing this on your own, what currently stands in your way of reaching your goal, etc) *
This program requires an investment of time, energy, and money. The best results are achieved when you open up to me and are willing to try new things. Are you ready and willing to invest in your health in these ways?
Why do you want to work with Laura specifically? *
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