IHRC Act is a new initiative focusing on bringing together a group of select individuals to further their knowledge of current affairs. Each month, we will go in-depth on a highly relevant topic and at the end of the session we will focus on actions.

The first of six in-person sessions is planned for Sunday 17th April 2022.

IHRC Bookshop
202 Preston Road,


The application process includes a telephone interview. You will be contacted to schedule this within the next couple of weeks. We will then send out emails to inform you of what happens next.

Applications close on Saturday 2nd April 2022 at 6pm.

Email fatima.m@ihrc.org for further information or technical issues with the form.

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Full Name *
Age *
Degree (with University) or Job Title *
Phone Number *
Email *
How much do you know about IHRC's work? *
Not familiar at all
Very familiar
How familiar would you consider yourself to be in current affairs and activism? *
Not familiar at all
Very familiar
What campaign interests you the most? *
What do you want to gain from joining this group? *
Do you have any notable experiences in activism? (This will not affect your application) *
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