Project Baseline: Initial inquiry form

Gaining access to the Project Baseline seed collection for research will follow the process outlined below:

1. Principal Investigator(s) fill out and submit the initial inquiry form.
2. This information will be evaluated by the Project Baseline Board of Directors that includes the original group of collaborators on the NSF grant that funded the collection.  
3. Upon approval, the Project Baseline Board of Directors will write a letter of support indicating that the Project Baseline seeds will be released to the investigators pending funding.  This letter can be included by the investigators in grant proposal submissions.
4. Once funding is secured, investigators will send us their funded proposal for final approval. This step is necessary to assure that the collection is being used in a way that capitalizes on the unique attributes of a living seed collection.
5. After notification of final approval, the investigators will submit a Materials Transfer Agreement form to the USDA National Laboratory for Genetic Resources Preservation (NLGRP) where the seeds are stored.
6. NLGRP ships the seeds to the investigator for research.

If you have questions, please contact Julie Etterson,

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Email *
Name(s) *
Institution(s) *
Rank(s) (Ph.D. Student, Postdoctoral Associate, Assistant Professor, etc.) *
Funding source (tentative is okay) *
Funding status *
Species of interest (give genus and species for all to be requested) *
Populations of interest (total number of populations and names if known): *
Approximate number of maternal lines per population and seeds per maternal line to be requested *
Summary: Provide a 1 page summary that describes your project including the central hypotheses, experimental approaches, and an explanation of how the results will be broadly informative.  It is important to highlight the way that your project capitalizes the exceptional features of Project Baseline. For example, that it is a living collection representing populations of the past with other unique aspects, such as numerous maternal lines per population, multiple populations sampled across the species range, taxonomic diversity, sister taxa, conspecific populations sampled within close proximity to each other, or populations of different species collected from the same site. A rough timeline of the project, including when you hope to receive seeds from the seed bank, should be included as part of your proposal. *
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