Puppy Application

Please complete the following Application/Questionnaire to be considered for a Raising Doodles Puppy. Be sure to answer thoroughly and honestly. This is what best helps us get to know you and what puppy would fit best with your family. By completing this questionnaire, you are not committed to purchase a puppy from us, nor does it commit us to place a puppy in your home. We love our dogs very much and want them to go to the most appropriate and best home possible. After you've completed the application you will hear from us within 24-48 hours. Once we have reached out to you to discuss any questions and/or concerns, you will receive approval and you can join our Master List by submitting a $400 NON-REFUNDABLE Reservation List Fee. The price of all puppies no matter color/sex/size is $2800 and sold on a strict spay/neuter contract. Your initial $400 fee comes off the total price of the puppy. Puppies come with a 2 year health guarantee. They will be examined by our licensed veterinarian, dewormed, first set of puppy vaccines, started with crate/potty training, raised with BAB curriculum, handled daily, and raised in our home. At Raising Doodles we take temperaments very seriously. We breed the type of dogs we would want to be in our home - loving, gentle mild mannered is what I strive for. We offer a lifetime of breeder support. The quality you deserve. Please reach out with any questions you may have! 

For more information please visit our website https://raisingdoodlespup.com/

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Name (First and Last) *
Email Address *
Phone number *
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Preferred method of contact? *
Full Address Including City & State *
Occupation *
How did you hear about Raising Doodles? *
Are all the decision makers of the household on board with getting a puppy? *
Do you work from home? *
Is there anyone home during the day? If not, what are your plans for your puppy? *
Why do you want a dog? *
Have you had a dog before?  *
Why are you choosing a labradoodle? *
In what conditions will the dog live? House, Apartment, Condo, etc.  *
Do you own or rent? *
If you rent, are you able to show proof that you are allowed a dog?  *
Do you have a fenced in yard? If no, what is your plan to contain your dog? *
Are there any children? If so, how old are they? How would they be instructed in the care of the dog? *
What other pets do you own now? Breed? How many? *
Are any current dogs in your household spayed/neuter? *
Have any current dogs in your household shown any signs of aggression towards you, another person, or another dog? *
Who will be the primary caretaker of the dog? *
Describe your lifestyle  *
Do you have the time to meet the demanding needs of the puppy/dog for feeding, training and exercise? *
Are you committed to the grooming and health maintenance? *
Are you aware of the costs involved in veterinary care, buying quality dog food, boarding the dog when away, etc? *
Do you have a gender preference? *
How important is your gender preference? 
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Do you have a color preference? *
How important is your color preference?
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How soon do you want to bring home a puppy? 
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If you’ve had a dog before, please explain the qualities you liked and disliked.  *
Do you plan to do continued training with your puppy? Can you please explain how you plan to do so.
Do you have a training plan? We HIGHLY suggest training with you new puppy! If training yourself, we recommend Baxter and Bella.
Will the puppy be indoor or outdoors? *
Do you understand we STRONGLY recommend crate training for all puppies until they're mature enough to be out of their crates unsupervised, usually the first year of their life. (We start this process for you!)
Are you prepared to care for this dog for 10-15 years? *
Do you understand our puppies are sold on a strict spay/neuter contract? BREEDING RIGHTS ARE ONLY A CASE BY CASE. Please contact us directly to discuss. 
Will you stay up to date with vaccines? *
What if your puppy grows to be bigger than you expected? *
Under what circumstances would you give up your dog? *
Are you willing to drive to pick up your puppy? *
Please describe a typical week in your household. *
Please describe a typical weekend in your household. *
Please provide any other information about yourself, your family, and reasons for wanting a dog. *
Have you read over our puppy contract? *
Reservation fees are accepted after your application is approved. Your $400 reservation fee will place you on our master selection list. You will have the option to move your reservation to any planned litter. Puppy visits and selections will begin at 6 weeks old in order of reservations received *
After submitting this application you will hear from us within 24 hours. Please be considerate of our time and only submit this application if you are seriously interested in starting the application process.  *
Do you have any other questions/concerns? *
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