Infinite Field Closed Groups and Retreats for BIPOC Womxn*
Please note: I am offering a regular drop-in monthly sangha for BIPOC womxn in 2023 and 2024, centered around the 22 major arcana archetypes of the Tarot, and this will be my only offering. These will follow the general format of my regular Infinite Field sessions (check out with extra time for witnessing/being witnessed and more experiential practices/meditations for navigating the world as a BIPOC womxn.*

*The word womxn is often used in intersectional feminism, as an alternative spelling to avoid the suggestion of sexism perceived in the sequences m-a-n and m-e-n, and to be inclusive of trans and nonbinary women.

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Have you participated in any of my meditation and writing sessions in the past? If so, what have your general experiences been? *
Do you have a practice with respect to meditation and writing? *
The half-day retreats I will be offering in December 2023 for BIPOC womxn will provide more structured time for sharing your experience and writing. Is this something you feel comfortable with? If so, do you prefer partnered shares in breakout rooms or sharing with the larger group? If not, what would make your experience with the group feel safe? *
The Infinite Field closed groups and retreats are always loosely themed around a particular topic. In 2023 and 2024, we'll be covering Tarot archetypes and ways we can access them for greater individual and collective impact. Are there any topics you are interested in that you'd like to see included in a future offering? *
Would you like to be added to my mailing list to learn about upcoming offerings and seasonal Infinite Field closed groups and/or retreats for BIPOC womxn? *
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