Tell us a great story that will help us understand your place better
Your answer
What is your role in making your community awesome?
Elected Official
City Staff
Nonprofit/Main Street/Downtown manager
Local Economic Development official
Entrepreneur with an existing business plan
Property owner or developer
Board member
Active Citizen/Other
If your downtown could speak about its storefronts, what would it say it needs most urgently?
Your answer
If your downtown storefronts were superheroes, what would their superpowers be?
Your answer
In what areas do you envision us working together?
How soon do you envision the Storefront Renaissance League coming to your town and starting to work on your storefront strategy?
Are you ready to book an initial free consultation as a first step to bring the League to your town?
Clear selection
Finally, if you are interested in contributing your professional expertise to the Storefront Renaissance League, what superpower(s) would you bring to the team?