Postgraduate Alumni Survey

This survey has been designed and developed as a mechanism to gather feedback from you as the alumni of our Postgraduate Programs. The purpose of this survey is to inquire about your sense on how well the objectives of our Postgraduate Programs applied to you after 3 to 5 years of graduation. The survey results will be used to help improve our programs. Your honest opinion on this matter is greatly appreciated as part of our continuous quality improvement (CQI) initiatives.

This survey will take between 3-5 minutes to complete.

Note on Privacy:
This survey is anonymous. The record kept of your survey responses does not contain any identifying information about you unless a specific question in the survey has asked for this. If you have responded to a survey that used an identifying token to allow you to access the survey, you can be rest assured that the identifying token is not kept with your responses. It is managed in a separate database and will only be updated to indicate that you have (or haven't) completed this survey.
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Email *
Section A: Background Information
1. Name *
2. Identification Card No./Passport No./UTM matric card (without "-")
3. Gender
4. Intake Semester/Year
5. Graduation Semester/Year 
6. Citizenship (Please state your country of origin) *
7. Please identify programme you enrolled at FKE
Section B: Current Career and Future Career Pathway
1. What is your current position?
2. What is your principal job function?
3. Postgraduate studies improved my career prospect and/or help to achieve mastery in field of specialization.
4a. Do you currently have better job offer / offers after pursuing postgraduate studies?
4b. Please state your previous position:
5. Do you have more opportunities to function in R&D teams and innovative industrial ventures after pursuing postgraduate studies?
6. What are the functional work skills you gained? (may choose more than one)
7a. Have you become a professionally registered engineer or any other professional body?

7b. If YES, specify your registered professional body membership: 

8. Are you currently actively involved in community services (professional societies, environmental projects, hospital/nursing home volunteers, community leaders, fundraising for non-profit organizations etc.)?
Section C:  Performance and Professional Development of Alumni with respect to the Program Objectives
Please rate to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements, as a result of your education development from the Postgraduate Program in Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UTM.
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Strongly Disagree
My skills in critically analyzing and evaluating findings and results have developed during my postgraduate studies.
My postgraduate program has made me more competent and allowed me to achieve mastery in my career or field of specialization.
My postgraduate program has made me perform the work well with minimum issues.
My postgraduate program has allowed me to acquire new knowledge and skills that are intellectually challenging and exciting.
My postgraduate program is relevant and allows me to receive recognition in my career/employment.
My confidence to be creative or innovative has developed during my postgraduate program.
My ability to manage projects has developed/improved after pursuing the postgraduate program.
My opportunities to become involved in the wider research community is expanded after pursuing the postgraduate program.
My skills in applying appropriate research methodologies, tools and techniques have developed during my postgraduate program.
My postgraduate program was conducted professionally and instilled professionalism and ethical conduct.
My understanding and awareness about responsibilities and integrity (e.g. rigour, ethics, transparency, attributing the contribution of others) has developed during my postgraduate program.
My professional networks and contacts have developed during/after pursuing my postgraduate program.
Please provide suggestions for components that you are dissatisfied/disagree with.
Additional comments/feedback regarding the program and how to improve.
Do you agree if we contact you for further information? If yes, please provide us with details.
Telephone No:
Email Address
Thank you very much for participating in this survey.
Please contact for any inquiries.
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