Scholarship Application

The Joe Humble Memorial Scholarship is an opportunity for any current member in good standing who has been active in the AACB to apply for and possibly be awarded a scholarship toward a training/educational event in the future related to blacksmithing from any appropriate source outside of what AACB offers.

Application deadline is November 1 of each year.   A committee is chosen each year to decide the winner(s) of the scholarship based on the information provided in the applications. The award is announced at the December meeting each year.

Recipients of this scholarship will receive half of the scholarship ($500) and then when requirements are met, they will receive the remaining scholarship ($500).  Recipients have two years to complete the requirements.

Recipients of this scholarship are required to do the following after their training or educational event:

  1. Write an article for the AACB Newsletter describing their training/education.
  2. Demonstrate at a chapter or local function.
  3. Make a piece for the next year’s AACB December meeting auction using the skills and/or education gained in the class.
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Name *
Address *
Phone Number *
E-mail address
How long have you been a member of the Appalachian Area Chapter of Blacksmiths?
Outline of your role in chapter activities and support. Please be specific and detailed. This section is a large part of what determines the winner.
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