SENSEsational Science Summer Institute 2023 Application

We're full!  If you would like to join the waitlist, please complete the form below.

We're excited to launch The Next Generation of SENSEsational Science for 2023!  Teachers from across the Tulsa metro will have the opportunity to learn new ways to engage students in STEM while meeting academic standards.  Teachers will also build community relationships with other educators and STEM partners.  

We're making some changes for to SENSEsational Science, one of our most popular professional development workshops.  The new format allows participants to choose what subject areas they are most interested in learning about and provides greater flexibility for busy schedules.
What's new:  
  • Cohorts focused on subject area rather than grade level 
  • 3 days in-person + virtual modules
  • Materials to implement what you learn
  • Optional PLC (Professional Learning Community) follow-up
  • Attend a commitment meeting prior to the start of SENSE, attend 3 days in-person in June, and complete all virtual modules by August 1st. (Approx. 20 hours total)
  • Optional involvement in PLC group, with an additional meeting in fall and spring (stipend available)
  • In-person activities are in the Tulsa area and may require driving to multiple locations in one day. Teachers are responsible for their own transportation.  
  • Some activities require attendees to be outdoors and may include walking/hiking moderate distances on uneven terrain.  
  • Lunches are provided daily but you should bring a water bottle.  Although we love kids and pets, we want you to be able to concentrate and participate fully, therefore this workshop is for adults only. Please plan accordingly.  ( *Registered service animals are allowed.)

Who:  Any PK-12 teacher or pre-service teacher in the Tulsa Metro area, including SENSE alumni. 
*Priority acceptance will be given to teachers from Title 1 and those who serve underrepresented populations.

Teachers may apply for multiple cohorts.  Please note that due to overlapping days, teachers may not participate in both the Engineering & Technology and Life Science cohorts.  Acceptance to all requested cohorts is not guaranteed.
  • Commitment meeting in April
  • Engineering & Technology Cohort - June 6-8, from 9:00am-4:00pm each day
  • Life Science Cohort - June 7-9, from 9:00am-4:00pm each day
  • Earth & Space Science Cohort - June 12-14, from 9:00am-4:00pm each day
  • Follow-up dates for PLC group TBD
Where: All workshop sessions will be held in the Tulsa metro area, with one day in Stillwater for those participating in the Earth & Space Science cohort. Participants must provide their own transportation. Teachers will receive a gas card to help subsidize the cost of fuel.

The cohorts will be visiting the following locations (subject to change) to learn more about the resources they offer and how to incorporate materials into hands-on lessons for students.  As grade-level experts, teachers are expected to be able to adapt content to fit their students' needs and learning objectives.
  • Engineering & Technology:  Nordam, FabLab, Discovery Lab, Gathering Place, TU, Thunder Fellows
  • Life Science:  OSU Center for Health Science, The Met, Teaching Gardens, Outdoor Classroom, Chandler Park, 3D Molecular Designs
  • Earth & Space Science:  Global Gardens, Voyage Space Walk, Siegfried STEM Learning Lab at TRSA, Chandler Park, NASA OK Space Grant Consortium

Cost: Free to participate!  Teachers will receive a stipend upon full attendance and completion of all virtual modules, as well as access to funding and materials to implement STEM activities experienced during SENSE. Additional stipends will be available for those participating in the follow-up PLC group.
This application will close on April 7th at 11:55 pm.  Completing this form does not guarantee acceptance.  Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and you will be contacted via email if accepted into SENSE 2023.  Please contact with any questions.  
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Your Name *
Have you participated in SENSE before? *
What grade(s) do you teach? *
School email address *
Pre-service teachers enter your primary email address
Personal email address *
Please provide a secondary email address to ensure we can remain in contact with you over the summer or if your school district changes.
School District *
Pre-service teachers enter N/A
School *
Pre-service teachers enter N/A
School Address *
Please include street, city, state, zip.
Pre-service teachers enter N/A
Is your school a Title 1 school? *
What is the % free and reduced lunch at your school? *
Pre-service teachers enter N/A.
% economically disadvantaged can be found at
Your cell phone number *
This will be used if we need to contact participants about last minute changes or emergencies.
Emergency Contact Information *
In case of an emergency, please provide the name and phone number of who you would like us to contact on your behalf.
What teaching certificates do you hold? *
Pre-service teachers select which certificates you plan to receive.
What subject(s) do you teach? *
Pre-service teachers: Indicate the subjects in which you plan on pursuing.
In which cohort(s) would you like to participate? *
Participants may select multiple cohorts, but please note that due to overlapping days, you cannot participate in both the Engineering/Technology and Life Science cohorts.  Acceptance to all requested cohorts is not guaranteed. 
T-shirt Size *
Do you have any food allergies or any other considerations or accommodations we need to be aware of?
What do you hope to gain or learn from participating in SENSE 2023? *
I have checked my schedule and do not have any conflicts with workshop dates for June 6-8 (Engineering/Technology), June 7-9 (Life Science), or June 12-14 (Earth/Space Science). *
Terms of Participation: If accepted I understand that I am expected to be engaged and fully participate, attend a commitment meeting and all sessions, and complete all virtual modules. I understand that this workshop is for adults only. I agree to adhere to all partner requests for social distancing and mask requirements, regardless of vaccination status or state/local ordinances. *
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