FCPS ECE Child Care Listening Survey
FCPS Early Childhood Department is seeking the feedback of child care providers in Frederick County. There are many challenges facing child care providers and parents in need of care for their children. FCPS wants to hear your thoughts, ideas, and needs to help transition and provide care for families.   Please use this questionnaire to share about your site.  Opportunities will be available to comment on the FCPS Board of Education recommended plan for the fall.  
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First and Last Name
Name of Child Care Center
Phone #
Please indicate type of child care license *
Which age groups does your site support? *
Do you provide transportation for students to FCPS schools? *
If yes to transportation - Please list the school(s)?
What challenges are you facing with routines and daily operations as a result of COVID-related restrictions? *
What are some creative ways you have adapted as a result? *
What changes to routines and operations do you anticipate once students return to school?
How might FCPS help support your child care program now and in the fall? *
Additional Comments
Are you interested in a FCPS-led webinar so you can better understand FCPS's return to school plan and how you can support students? We will share resources that school age children will be accessing for virtual learning.  *Please make sure to have included your email information above. *
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