RSVP to Attend OPHELIA: REBEL MEME TO SYSTEMS OF POWER & OPPRESSION Panel Discussion at Minnesota Street Project on Thursday, March 22, 6-8pm
Thank you for your interest in attending the OPHELIA: REBEL MEME TO SYSTEMS OF POWER & OPPRESSION
Panel Discussion at Minnesota Street Project on Thursday, March 22, 2018 from 6-8pm.  

In conjunction with the presentation of Nadja Verena Marcin’s OPHELIA at Minnesota Street Project (March 3-31), a discussion will focus on the processes and concepts behind the project—including the Anthropocene age and climate change, the fragility of human life compared to the forces of nature, dichotomies of representation and gender inequality in the media, systems of power and distribution, appropriation and democratization of iconography through internet-memes, and the increasing role of performance and public art. Panelists include Dena Beard, Executive Director of The Lab; Dorka Keehn, San Francisco Arts Commissioner and Principal KEEHN ON ART; Joseph Becker, Associate Curator of Architecture and Design at SFMOMA (TBC); and Nadja Verena Marcin, Artist. This event is made possible with the support of the Goethe Institut of San Francisco.

Event Address: 1275 Minnesota Street, San Francisco, CA 94107
Contact: 646.580.6626 or

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