2024 KCB Summer Solstice Campout Registration
June 22-23, 2024 
Meet at: 2pm at Key City Bike 204 E Vine St Mankato MN
Destination: Jack McGowan's Farm (20001 T-198, Mankato, MN 56001)
See Facebook event for full details
Questions? contact@keycitybike.org
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Email *
Name *
Emergency Contact: Name & Phone Number *
Are you 18 years of age or older? 
If not a parent/guardian must also attend and fill out a signup form themselves.
Which route are you interested in?  *
Do you identify as any of the following? 
• women/femme/non-binary
• low income (less than $22,000 annual individual income)

If your answer is YES, you are eligible for a reduced participation fee. See details in next question. 
ENTRY FEE: sliding scale donation, minimum $15/person ($10 if you answered YES to the previous question).
Entry fees for the campout go towards covering the cost of campsite rental and firewood, any remaining revenue goes right back into future programming at KCB, getting more people on bikes and empowering them through learning and community!

We aim to reduce barriers to cycling activities, there are a limited number of "Free Entry Scholarships" available. Please consider your personal circumstances - if paying for this activity is a barrier for you please select the scholarship option below and we will email you to confirm if funding is available (first-come, first-served). 

If you're able to donate a little more than the minimum, that helps support future scholarships and programming at KCB! Thank you!! 
Payments can be made in-person at the shop or online
I will notify Key City Bike via email at least 48 hours in advance if unable to attend, so my spot can be made available for another participant. Email: contact@keycitybike.org *
Event Waiver: 
I acknowledge that I have voluntarily applied to participate in this event with Key City Bike. I am voluntarily participating in these activities with the knowledge that there is some inherent risks that cannot be eliminated regardless of the care taken to avoid injuries and illness, including the transmission of viruses such as COVID-19 in the course of participation. I hereby agree that I, my heirs, guardians, legal representatives and assigns will not make a claim against or file an action against Key City Bike or any of its agents, officers, employees or other volunteers, for injury or damage resulting from negligence, including contracting any disease, however caused, by any employee, agent, officer or volunteer of Key City Bike, its agents, officers, employees and other volunteers from all actions, claims, and demands that I, my heirs, guardians, legal representatives or assigns now have or may hereafter have for injury or damage resulting from my participation in the activities. In the event of an emergency, I hereby give Key City Bike permission to seek medical attention for myself or my child, if the volunteer applicant is less than 18 years of age. I give Key City Bike, free of any compensation, unlimited permission to use, publish and republish for such use as it may determine, information and reproductions of my likeness (photos) related to my participation in this event. I hereby waive my right to first review the use of my likeness before any use of publication.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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