We are researchers in the UX Pedagogy and Practice Lab, the research lab of Dr. Colin M. Gray at Purdue University. You can find out more about our lab at
https://uxp2.com. We are currently conducting a series of NSF-funded studies to investigate ethical awareness and action in a range of technology-focused disciplines. You can see more about the overall grant project at
To provide a brief introduction to this study, our goal is to identify the ways in which design and technology practitioners engage with ethical concerns in their everyday activities. Our ultimate goal is to identify the ethical considerations, experiences, and knowledge that guide your everyday work. We would like to be clear that you are not speaking on behalf of your employer, but rather based on your personal and professional experiences. We’d love to hear about “the good, the bad, and the ugly” from your own perspective.
We would like to invite you to participate in a 60-90 minutes interview or 90-120 minutes activity-based reflection session where we are going to introduce you to some new tools to better understand your ethical awareness, via Zoom or WebEx. We will be happy to talk to other team members or friends as a group and get your suggestions of other practitioners that may be interested in participating.
To participate in this study, you must be currently employed in a design or technology related role in an industry with two or more years of experience. A $25 incentive (for interviews) and $50 incentive (for activity-based sessions) will be provided for your participation. If you are selected to participate in the study, we will contact you to schedule a time for the interview.
For more details or questions, feel free to contact Dr. Colin M. Gray at
gray42@purdue.edu for more information.
Thank you for your consideration!