Chicago Hope Academy Transcript Request
Please fill out the required information below and our Registrar, Tess Hanson de Pretis (, will start processing your transcript request. 

Please keep in mind that transcripts are sent on a first-come, first-serve basis. All transcript requests must also first be approved by the Finance Office. While we try to make sure your transcript is sent within one business week, please be prepared to wait 10 business days if there is an influx of requests.
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Email *
Student Name: *
Student's Graduation Year: *
What type of transcript are you requesting? *
Mailing address you would like the transcript sent to (if requesting a physical copy): 
Email address you would like the transcript sent to (if requesting a digital copy): 
Any additional notes or questions you have regarding your transcript request:
Your Name: *
Your Relationship to the Student: *
Your Phone Number: *
Your Email Address: *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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