Seminar on Vertical Farming - information and registration

The new generation forum on rethinking food systems invites you to a talk on Vertical Farming

Through a low-key, interactive seminar-workshop series, YPARD and SLU Global aim to create a forum for inspiration and dialogues around how to transform our food system sustainably. While primarily student-focused, everyone is very welcome to join in, listen and engage in discussions to inspire and get inspired. As a co-creation forum, participants are encouraged to suggest speakers and moderators, themes and topics etc., which can raise the debate on food systems and anchor transformation in our educational and professional lives.

The hybrid event will take place on the 10th of March from 12:00 to -13:00 CET. The virtual portion will take place via Zoom and in person at Västan, Agricum (Campus Alnarp). We will kick off the forum with Christopher Menor, who will be talking about vertical farming. Urban, small-scale farming of different types is trending worldwide, providing food and livelihoods to many. What are the possibilities, the technological and biological challenges, and what about its sustainability? Chris will talk about his emerging business in this exciting and dynamic area, and we invite everyone to come with their own inputs and experiences. 

The in-person session will take place in Alnarp, Sweden (see below). A lunch sandwich will be provided for those registered participants who will participate in person (if you would like to have a sandwich, the deadline for registration Wednesday 8th).

From Christopher MenorThe event will focus on an alternative method of growing food that is changing the world we live in, the opportunities that come with it and spreading awareness of this fast moving trend. We live in a world where destroying ecosystems and creating monocultures has become the norm in order to grow food, despite there being an alternative method that few know about. In this seminar we will present about hydroponics and how it is changing the agriculture industry worldwide. Discover how these systems could lead to a no waste industry, how to create your own growing system at home and the personal experience of a student that is starting his own company in the sector. The event is dedicated to anyone that wants to learn about sustainable alternatives and innovation, whether you are a student, professor, entrepreneur or employee, you’re all invited! If any questions arise throughout the presentation, make sure to ask them so we can have a pleasant and vivid conversation at the end. Christopher Menor Löwegren, studying for a Master of Science in Energy Engineering and founder of LoweGreen.

Place: Västan (Agricum building), Alnarp, Sweden Time and date: 12:00-13:00, 10 March 2023 Note: this will be a hybrid event. Please register to receive the zoom link together with a calendar invite closer to the event. Do check your spam in case you did not get the email, or contact

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