Check Your Knowledge: Negotiation Planning - Part 1
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Spending time psyching yourself up prior to a negotiation is a helpful strategy. *
1 point
Sometimes you don't have a BATNA *
1 point
When determining the zone of possible agreement (ZOPA) you must determine the maximum that you as the buyer are willing to pay. Which of the following statements are true. [Check all that apply] *
1 point
BATNA Stands for *
1 point
Match the negotiation concept with the explanation. *
6 points
Opening move that anchors the deal.
How you present options as either a win or a loss.
What you are willing to give up. Plan what they are and when to use.
Determine and make multiple offers of equivalent value
What is important to each party and you should reveal yours.
Negotiate these simultaneously not sequentially
Multiple Offers
Multiple Issues
First Offer
A tactical no is when you "move away from the table" to improve your no-deal option and/or worsen that of the other side. *
1 point
Temper tantrums are often impulsive heat of the moment reactions. *
1 point
Do you need to make decisions during a negotiation meeting when the ideas are presented? *
1 point
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