RSVP: UINO Tribal Sovereignty 101 and Candidates Forum
Please complete this form to confirm your attendance at the United Indian Nations of Oklahoma (UINO) Tribal Sovereignty 101 and Candidates Forum. This event is an opportunity for candidates running for state and federal office in Oklahoma to engage with tribal leaders and learn about sovereignty. Your participation is important to us.
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Name *
Email Address *
Cell Phone *
Party Affiliation *
Will you be attending the event? *
Will you be bringing any guests? If so, how many?
Lunch will be provided. Do you have any dietary restrictions? 
Do you require any special accommodations? 
Information for Candidates
Two weeks prior to the event, a set of questions centered around tribal sovereignty will be sent out to help you prepare for the second half of the event, where candidates will be invited to speak about their perspectives on the provided questions.
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