Sign up for Occupy Town Square: General Strike SE @ Union Sq, April 28th

Please use this form if you'd like to run an activity or table at the next Town Square. Looking forward to popping up with you there!

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Name *
Affiliation *
Please name the working group/affinity group/community group that will be running this activity. You may also enter 'individual" if appropriate.
Email *
Phone number
Type of activity *
e.g. talk, teach-in, tabling, musical performance etc.
Tabling requirements
Please note that for this edition of Town Square we are unable to provide tables, so please bring your own
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Start time *
Please check preferred start time(s).
Length *
Other notes, comments, needs etc.
If you are presenting a talk, a teach-in, a discussion, or a training, please provide a title for your event
Please provide a brief description of your event.
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