Peninsula Strikers JFC - Expression of Interest to Join Community Soccer 2025
To begin the 2025 season, all new and former players interested in joining (or returning to) a team are encouraged to fill out this proforma.  
Age group based preseason will begin in the new year and when our venues are open to us and starting with our oldest age groups. 
Prospective players can let us know your interest to join us by using this form.   The club will use the email provided here (make sure it's correct!!  ;-)) so we can contact you prior to the start of preseason.  Otherwise lookup the relevant age group and come down n try out!

The Registration system (Playfootball) will be open in 2025 (Jan/Feb), and you need to register with them as well once you have been placed in a team.

Please refer to Peninsula Strikers JFC website or Facebook Page for additional Session Date/Time Information.    

We look forward to seeing you on the pitch!
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Email *
Surname *
Players Surname
Players First Name *
Parents Name *
Parent / Guardians first/contact name
Mobile phone number *
Secondary Contact Number (optional)
Year of Players Birth *
Player's Gender *
Birthdate (DD/MM/YYYY) *
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