Application Form - ALLFED Webinar and Q&A
In this form we would like to get a quick overview of the background of the participants.

The webinar will *not* cover all the basics of existential risks and effective altruism, so we would only recommend to attend if you are already somewhat familiar with these terms.
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Email *
How familiar are you with Effective Altruism? Please tick all that apply. *
How familiar are you with ALLFED and X-risks? Please tick all that apply. *
Questions (optional)
If you have time, we would like you to think about questions for Aron and David beforehand, so they can prepare accordingly. We want to emphasize that the following is not mandatory, but will probably increase the value you will get out of the event.

If you haven't done so already, please go through some of the material mentioned above.

Please think about uncertainties and questions you would like to have answered. If your initial reaction is that you have none, set a three minute timer and try to come up with as many as possible.

Which questions would you like to have answered? What are your uncertainties? What do you find confusing?
Do you have any further questions or things you would like to mention?
Thank you!
Thank you for filling out this form. We will shortly send you a confirmation email. You will likely receive your invitation to the call roughly a week in advance. If you signed up later than that, we will send you the invitation as soon as possible.
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