Introduction to Asian Americans Issues and History/Herstory
Module 1.1

Module 1 provides an introduction to the Asian American population and the social construction of race in the United States. It also provides an overview of Asian American issues and history/herstory. In this module, you'll be asked to consider your personal and professional identity, your relationship with Asian American students, and your knowledge of (Asian) American history. You will be asked to construct essential questions, analyze existing curricular materials, and reflect on your learning. This module will take approximately 12 hours to complete. We highly recommend completing modules in their entireties, when possible. Similarly, we recommend beginning with Module 1.

Completion of each section of Module I is worth 3 professional development hours in the state of Illinois.
Each module section should take approximately 3 hours, including all content delivery and independent work.

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Your participation in this online professional development (PD) module provides an important opportunity to better understand teacher experiences with professional development on teaching about racial inequity. With your consent, data collected from your course assignments completed in the PD will be analyzed by University of Illinois researchers to better understand teachers' experiences and identities in teaching Asian American history/herstory.

I have read and understand the consent form. I certify that I am 18 years old or older and that I am physically present in the United States while taking part in this PD. By clicking the YES button, I indicate my willingness to take part in this study.

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