Portland On Tap 2025
 Thank you for taking the time to provide your valuable feedback for planning Portland On Tap 2025. Your responses will greatly assist us in planning. Please take a few moments to answer the following questions.

Completion of this survey will enter you into a raffle for a $100 Visa gift card. 
Email *
What kind of ticket have you purchased for Portland On Tap? *
Did you attend in 2024? *
How important is location to you? 1 being most important, 5 being least important. *
How likely would you be to purchase a ticket if Portland On Tap moved to a new venue? 1 being yes, you'd be likely, 5 being less likely. *
How important is food to you? 1 being most important, 5 being least important. *
What are you comfortable spending on this event? *
Would you like to see other beverage options - like wine or spirits in addition to beer? *
Would you be willing to pay a higher ticket price if additional beverage options were included? Like wine, spirits, etc. *
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