Request for Transportation
In order to arrange the safest and most efficient bus routes, we need to identify eligible students who will use school bus transportation for the upcoming school year. We are asking that all students who will need transportation complete the form and return it to the Transportation office. Please note: Students in Second grade and/or younger will need a parent present at the bus stop.

If you waive transportation services but your situation changes, you may re-establish busing at any time by contacting the Transportation office. Please be aware that we may need 24-48 hours to add your child to the bus route. The stop will need to be evaluated. During this time, it will be the parent's responsibility to provide transportation. Please be sure to add any medical information that we may need to know on the last question.

Tim Schuur, Transportation Director
Phone: {269} 646 - 5981

* Indicates required question
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 First and Last Names of students
Parent First and Last Name
Primary Phone Number
Parent Email *
Home Address
Alternative Contact First and Last Name
Alternative Contact Phone Number
Alternative Contact Email
Alternative Address
Grade *
Transportation to School *
Alternative Address or Daycare to be picked up from
Transportation from School *
Alternative Address or Daycare to be dropped off to
Medical Information needed for transportation
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