Alice Harris Foundation Hospitality & Tourism Summer Camp Scholarship 
The Alice Harris Foundation High School Summer Camp Enrichment Program introduces students to college life, teamwork, and fundamentals in the growing areas of Hospitality and Tourism.   The program combines classroom learning, company site visits, volunteer day in the community  and group presentations to prepare students with the practical skills and critical thinking to benefit them in their future academic and professional endeavors.

Each student in the Summer Camp enrichment Program will gain access to leadership, team building, college, and cultural enrichment.    

The Alice Harris Foundation High School Summer Camp Enrichment Program will be held at Temple University from July 10 – 15, 2023.  All students will stay on campus for the 6-day experience.  The cost of the program is free. 

High School Students Age 15 and up
High School Students Grades 10th -12th
Excellent High School Grades
Strong Recommendations from Teachers of Guidance Counsellors. 
Live in Philadelphia
African American or Minority

Winners of all scholarships must attend the Annual Scholarship and Community Service Award Luncheon being held on May 6, 2023.  

All requested information  should be emailed to 
Please put your full name on the Subject Line and make sure your full name is on all materials being sent.  


Announcements are to be made no later than April 22, 2023

Email *
Name of Student *
Email of Student *
Phone Number of Student *
Address of Student *
Gender of Student

Student Date of Birth *
Students School *
Students GPA *
Mother's Name
Father's  Name
Either Parent in Military or Veteran *
School Activity involvement, if yes, please explain
Community Activity involvement, if yes, please explain
List any organizations you belong to.
Please tell us in at least 300 words why you should be selected to attend this Hospitality & Tourism  Summer Camp Enrichment Program *
1. Please submit the name, address, email, and telephone number of three people (non-relatives) who can vouch for your character.  People may include:  teachers, administrators, counselors, pastors, and others who can provide the requested information
2. Please submit the name, address, email and telephone number of three people (non-relatives) who can vouch for your character.  People may include:  teachers, administrators, counselors, pastors, and others who can provide the requested information
3. Please submit the name, address, email and telephone number of three people (non-relatives) who can vouch for your character.  People may include:  teachers, administrators, counselors, pastors, and others who can provide the requested information
I hereby submit my application for the Alice Harris Foundation Scholarship and attest that all information contained is correct and true.  I also understand the terms and conditions upon which the scholarship is granted.  I am willing to appear for a personal interview or to forward any additional information, if necessary.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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