Thousand Faces Membership Form
Thousand Face is a community-driven funding platform to finance impact-driven female founders.
Our mission is to democratize funding for the underfunded.

In order to become a member of Thousand Faces DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organisation) you need to have at least one of our NFTs. Our NFTs allow our members to have voting rights on our strategical decisions including which projects to finance and how to use our community fund. As a member you also get access to community rewards, and partners' and portfolio companies' perks and discounts.

This is an application form to join our club. Please share any information you wish to help us better assess your request.

By submitting your information here you agree with our terms and conditions and agree to receive further communications from us.

Join our discord to connect with us

Sociel Media Links:
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your full name? *
What is your email address? *
We will use this to inform you if your application was accepted and to send you instructions about how you can receive your membership pass.
If you have one, share your ETH Public Wallet Address from Metamask or Coinbase :
If you don't have one, go on and make one right away! Learn how to make your wallet!
If you have one, share your discord username?
So we can give you the allowlist role on discord!
Have you joined Thousand Faces discord yet? *
Most of our announcements will be shared on discord. Plus you will have access to an amazing community! You can join HERE:
Why do you want to join the Thousand Faces community? *
How would you like to join our community? *
How did you hear about us? *
If that's the case, please mention the name of the partner or person who sent you the link
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