MSACL 2025 : Practical Training Proposal Form (1 hour)
The goal of the MSACL Practical Training track is to provide down-to-earth advice from those with extensive or specific hands-on expertise to less experienced users in diagnostic laboratories.  Although talking about chromatography and mass spectrometry theory is important, as many people are using the technique with minimal theoretical background, we have found that spicing small doses of theory with large amounts of tasty real world case examples from your own practice is the most effective teaching mode for this track.  These are tutorial sessions, not presentations of your research.  We encourage interactive formats whenever feasible.

Presentations should be free of commercial bias and vendor neutral (no branding, no promotion or marketing). This track is NOT an alternative to scheduling a vendor workshop.

The track started out for beginners, but as the MSACL community has evolved, we have found that intermediate topics now have the best attendance.

The session chair should submit the proposal and may choose to be the only speaker. If the session chair would like to recruit additional presenters, the maximum number of speakers is three (once the number three, being the third number, is reached, thou will have the maximum number of speakers). Traditionally, the hour has been divided into three, 20 min sessions, but this format is not mandatory. 

Deadline for Submission: December 4, 2024
Notification of Acceptance: January 22, 2025
Please note that accepted Practical Training Proposals will also require an abstract to be submitted via the MSACL abstract portal. This submission proposal, if successful, will lead to an invitation to submit your full Practical Training abstract via the online portal. 

Session Dates: September 24-25, 2025
Duration: 1 Hour
Location: Bonaventure Hotel, Montreal, California

Attendance is open and free for all MSACL Conference registrants on a first-come basis, and will occur during parallel scientific sessions. Attendance is expected range from 20 - 60 people.

Presenter Compensation
RegistrationDiscount up to $870 (no cash value) that may be divided among multiple instructors.
Travel: None.
Hotel: None.
Honoraria: None.

**Cash reimbursements or honorariums are ONLY made via PayPal.

Presenter Requirements
All presenters must be registered for the conference.

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Email *
Title of Proposed Session *
Level *
Name of Session Chair *
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