HEART Free Therapy for Sudanese Diaspora
HEART is helping members of the Sudanese diaspora in the United States connect with therapists to help them process the ongoing violence in Sudan. They are offering 6-7 individuals the opportunity to participate in 8-10 sessions of free virtual therapy. Given the ongoing conflict, it has been challenging for people to process and manage personal and vicarious trauma. Throughout the year, members of the Sudanese diaspora have been witnessing and hearing about their loved ones' suffering and pain as they continue to endure the ongoing genocide. This has led to feelings of immeasurable grief, pain, hopelessness, and guilt within the community. Many people have struggled to find appropriate support to process the emotional impact of experiencing vicarious trauma. As we continue to witness intense violence, coping with grief and trauma can feel overwhelming and isolating, especially as mental health resources for the Sudanese diaspora have been extremely limited in the past. We highly encourage members of the Sudanese diaspora seeking a safe therapy environment to participate! While we strongly urge everyone to fill out the interest form and apply for this incredible opportunity, there are limited spots available. For this reason, we may not be able to accommodate everyone at this time. Even If you are not selected for this opportunity, please be sure to provide your email so we can share additional mental health resources for support and assistance. For more information on HEART, please visit their website, linked here: https://hearttogrow.org/mission/, or @heartthegrow on Instagram. Please fill out the form below if you are interested in this resource!
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Full Name *
Pronouns *
City/State of Residence *
Age *
Email *
Phone number *
Do you identify as Sudanese or a part of the Sudanese diaspora? *
What is your preferred language? *
Why are you interested in therapy? (Max. 250 words) *
What do you hope to gain through counseling? (Max. 200 words) *
Can you commit to attending regular virtual therapy sessions?

Are you open to exploring alternative or complementary therapeutic methods to maximize your experience?
Do you have alternative forms of support available if therapy is not an option?  *
What is your preferred method of contact?  *
I understand that this is an interest form and that filling out this form does not guarantee services.  *
Any Questions/Concerns
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